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Vipzuuch.mn Тендер Тендерийн төрөл Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ Үйлдвэрийн осол мэргэжлээс шалтгаалсан өвчний даатгалын мэргэжилтэн /дотоод/
Огноо: 2015-02-05
1. Төсөл-Хүнс тэжээл, нийгмийн халамжийн төслийн нэмэлт санхүүжилттөсөл Азийн хөгжлийн банк
нь Үйлдвэрийн осол мэргэжлээс шалтгаалсан өвчний даатгалын мэргэжилтэн /дотоод/
-ийг хэрэгжүүлэх
зорилгоор зөвлөх үйлчилгээний гэрээ байгуулах гэж байгаа тул зөвлөхийн үйлчилгээ
үзүүлэх хүсэлтэй этгээдийг мэдүүлгээ ирүүлэхийг урьж байна.
2. Энэхүү зөвлөх үйлчилгээ
Vacancy Notice
Food and Nutrition Social Welfare-Additional Financing Project
Loan №: 3086 SF
Procurement title: Industrial accidents and occupational diseases insurance specialist (national)
1. Background
its 2012-2016 Action Plan, the Government has set out a goal of
delivering social welfare services to citizens efficiently and without
any delays. In addition, Parliament has approved the 2012-2016
amendments to existing laws which includes social insurance legislation.
transition into a free, market-oriented economy has boosted mining,
infrastructure and construction industries. This has resulted in
increase in industrial accidents, occupational diseases and acute
poisoning among employees. Policymakers need to address the difficulties
faced in implementing social insurance legislation and adapt social
insurance laws and regulations to current social settings.
20 years have passed since the enactment of "Law on Benefits And
Pensions by Industrial Accidents And Occupation Diseases Fund” during
which time it has been amended three times.
Only employers pay
contributions equal to 1-3% of employee wage to the Industrial
accidents and occupational disease insurance fund. Percentage is
dependent on labour conditions of the business. Voluntary insurance
members pay a 1 percent contribution rate from their self declared
income. The fund provides disability pensions, survivor’s pensions,
benefits during temporary loss of working capacity and rehabilitation
payment and costs.
As of 2013, Industrial accident and
occupational diseases fund had MNT 86,6 billion in revenues while
expenditures on pensions, benefits and other payments were MNT 31.4
billion. This includes MNT 24,5 billion paid on disability pensions, MNT
2,3 billion on survivor’s pensions, MNT 454,9 million on sickness
benefits, MNT 38.3 million on prostheses and rehabilitation surgery, MNT
821.2 million for sanatorium costs, MNT 781.4 million on pensions to
the insured who became disabled due to work injury or occupational
diseases and MNT 2.4 billion on other expenses.
It is
necessary to expand the scope of services provided to the insured,
especially those related to the rehabilitation of the insured and
prevention of industrial accidents and occupational diseases to increase
the efficiency of fund spending. In addition, contribution rates need
to be adjusted based on actuarial projections and number, level of
injuries reported by employer.
2. Objective(s) of the Assignment
overall objective of this assignment is to assess the current
industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance funds,
come up with a conclusion whether contribution and benefit levels are
optimal and sustainable, recommendations for expanding scope of
industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance
3. Scope of Services, Tasks (Components) and Expected Deliverables
3.1 Scope of Services and Tasks
Based on current state of industrial accident, occupational diseases
and benefits insurance funds make a mid-term and long-term actuarial
2. Make a comparative study with experiences from
other countries with similar insurance types on benefits, eligibility
criteria, duration of benefits payment, etc
3. Prepare and
submit a recommendation on policy and financial sustainability of
industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance funds,
expanding scope of benefits services and improving efficiency of
vocational training allowances provided by the industrial accident and
occupational diseases fund
4. Prepare recommendations for law amendment on industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance.
Assist the international consultant hired separately under the project
with oral interpretation and translation of final reports into
3.2 Deliverables
The consultant will
deliver the following final reports based on close coordination and
consultation with MPDSP and other relevant organizations:
Report encompassing assessment of current Report on the current state of
the industrial accident, occupational disease insurance fund, its
actuarial projections and international experience (in Mongolian and
2. Final report with recommendations on improving
sustainability of industrial accident or occupational disease insurance
fund, benefit and payments, amendments to relevant laws (in Mongolian
and English).
4. Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts
Bachelor’s degree in insurance, actuarial science, business
administration and labor economics or related discipline is desirable.
Preference will be given to candidates who have more than five years of
relevant work experience in the industrial accidents and occupational
diseases insurance sector.
Language requirements: Fluency in English (oral and written) is desirable.
5. Reporting Requirements and Time Schedule for Deliverables
will work under supervision of State Secretary of MPDSP, head of
working group, head of Social Protection Policy Coordination Department
and report to the Project Manager of PIU. In addition to abovementioned
deliverables, the Consultant will be required to report when necessary
during working groupmeetings.
The consultant will deliver the following four reports:
Based on current state of industrial accident, occupational diseases
and benefits insurance funds make a mid-term and long-term actuarial
Make a comparative study with experiences from
other countries with similar insurance types on benefits, eligibility
criteria, duration of benefits payment, etc,
Prepare and
submit a recommendation on policy and financial sustainability of
industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance funds,
expanding scope of benefits services and improving efficiency of
vocational training allowances provided by the industrial accident and
occupational diseases fund,
Prepare recommendations for law amendment on industrial accident, occupational diseases and benefits insurance.
draft of the reports will be submitted within 30 days of starting the
assignment while the final report encompassing above four components is
due within 14 days of ending the assignment.
Final reports
will be submitted in hard copies to MPDSP and PIU (a total of two
copies) as well soft copies via e-mail in MS Word and PDF formats to
MPDSP and PIU after the client reviews and approves the first draft.
Each report will be at least 10 pages long
6. Client’s Input and Counterpart Personnel
Agency will provide office space and other arrangements included in the
contract. EA will also appoint an officer who will receive the final
reports from the consultant. EA and IAs are responsible with providing
necessary information and data required to produce above mentioned
reports and recommendations.
7. Client will provide the following inputs, project data and reports to facilitate preparation of the Proposals:
will provide all necessary data and information required produce
reports including data required for actuarial projections, insurance
related legislation, etc.
8. Contracting arrangements
national expert will be hired based on ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of
Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time) for 1.5 person-month
(45 days). S/he will work under the technical guidance of the
international expert, separately hired by project.
All Interested persons should submit their Expression of Interest via Consultant Management System of ADB on cms.adb.org online from 8th to 14th February, 2015.
3. Мэдүүлгээ ирүүлж буй зөвлөх
нь уг үйлчилгээг гүйцэтгэх чадвартайг нотлох мэдээллийг / нийтлэл, ижил төрлийн ажлын
туршлага, ажиллах боловсон хүчний чадвар, туршлагын талаарх мэдээлэл гэх мэт
/ ирүүлнэ.
Чадварыг нэмэгдүүлж сайжруулах зорилгоор зөвлөхүүд түншлэлийн хэлбэрээр оролцож
4. Сонирхсон этгээд нэмэлт
мэдээллийг 2015 оны 2-р сарын 12-ний 16:00 цагаас 2015 оны 2-р сарын 14-ний 16:00 цагийн хооронд
авч болох бөгөөд мэдүүлгээ дор дурдсан хаягаар 2015 оны 2-р сарын 14 -ний дотор ирүүлнэ үү.
For more information on assignment and
submission please contact the Project Implementation Unit: Tel:
976-11-323473 Email: info@fnswpp.mn